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Casals called Bach, "God of music" with good reason;
his legacy as organist & composer of musical compositions is unrivalled to this day.
Bach was a Pythagorean and would certainly have been aware of the 'hemiola' in
Pythagoras' famous 'string experiment'.

Here is a link to more harmonics in the 'harmonic series' . . .
Through the 'Pythagorean Comma', Well Tempered Tuning (WTT) comes from the musical
of 'Phi' (0.618), sometimes known in the 2 & 3-D arts as the 'golden section'.
This leads back to deep fundamentals . . .
Bach was not the 'inventor' of Well Tempered tuning or 'equal temperament'.
However he was the author of the the 'Well Tempered Clavichord' (WTC).
WTC has been the key reference in music making since 1721.
WTT is based on 'Well Tempered 5ths' (WTF).
WTF or Well Tempered Fiths means that all 12 semi-tones in the octave
are equal across space-time (Hz).
This enables music to be: -
- written-in-time & in-tune &
- played-in-time & in-tune & while
- modulating-in-time & in-tune between
all 12 keys, while remaining equally in-time & in-tune, i.e. it all commutes (or 'balances out').
WTF underlies the C&C methodology where like the semitones, the rights are equal per person.
That is why C&C is called the Well Tempered Climate Accord (WTCA).
Resolving the basis of increasingly futile arguments, WTCA (user-chooser) . . .
- integrates all global carbon-contraction-rates
- with all the international rates of carbon-convergence
- so it all balances out, in-time & in-tune
As in CBAT 'Domain Two' of
CBAT (the Carbon Budget Analysis Tool)
"Bach’s music is bracketed with the literature of
William Shakespeare and the science of Isaac Newton.
During the 20th century, many streets in Germany were
named and statues were erected in honor of Bach.
A large crater in the Bach quadrangle on Mercury is named in his
honor as are the main-belt asteroids 1814 Bach and 1482 Sebastiana.
Bach’s music features three times—more than that of any other composer—
on the Voyager Golden Record, a gramophone record containing
a broad sample of the images, common sounds, languages,
and music of Earth, sent into outer space with the two Voyager probes."