Noting that the overall weight of the budget over time (the path-integral) is the primary determinant of the atmospheric CO2 concentration rise,
here is another way of looking at the Global Carbon Budget (GCB) weight-totals in GtC in Table 2.2 in groups of three (66% 50% 33% odds).
As each of the various weights of the carbon budgets is used-up, the actual linear rate is shown to the year each GCB reaches zero
Pathways of atmospheric CO2 concentrations for each of the GCBs are shown too (simply assuming a Constant Airborne Fraction (CAF) of 50%)
knowing that the Airborne Fraction of emissions is more likely to increase than decrease as temperature rises, due to land aridification and ocean acidification
which in turn means that temperature rises in Table 2.2 are more under-estimates (continuing a pattern in IPCC over recent years).
BUT . . . why do RCP 2.6 & SR 1.5 contradict each other . . . ?
The discrepancy between RCP 2.5 & Table 2.2 in IPCC's Special Report on 1.5° C is disturbing. In this context it suggests that
climate-science 'evolves', the situation is becoming less rather than more serious, which is contrary to the evidence (& common sense).
The total budget weight in RCP 2.5
for 2.0° C is 230 Gt C. In Table 2.2 in IPCC SR 1.5 230 Gt C (229 Gt C) with 33% odds for 1.5° C.
Any pressure to increase carbon-budget-size/lower-the-temperature is more likely to have come from the politics than from the science. This increase with odds, puts numbers arbitrarily into a hat, where playing the 'odds' is more of a smokescreen to conceal rather than reveal that.
The danger we face is acceleration and the potentially lethal extent of the feedback-unknowns (both known & unknown) that will result from that.