C&C Principle & Practice
Click logo to return to 'links-page'
- Climate Truth & Reconciliation - Global Commons Institute (GCI) home page
- Contraction & Convergence (C&C) first 20 years (1989-2008)
- Assumptions; the 'Well Tempered Climate Accord' (WTCA)
- The C&C principle is 'Well Tempering'
- Climate Justice without Vengeance
- The morally & intellectually coherent Contraction & Convergence Principle
- Speech at RCJ (2018); C&C "The Well Tempered Climate Accord"
- UNFCCC-Compliance & support for the C&C Principle
- "Anyone who thinks C&C is Utopian simply hasn't looked honestly at the alternatives."
- The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution advocates C&C to Government (2000)
- July 2000 RCEP Chairman Sir Tom Blundell wrote a letter thanking GCI
- Coilin Challen's UK Climate Act (Contraction & Convergence) 2006
- Challen bill is the basis of the UK Climate Act in 2008
- All UK Political Parties strongly endorsed C&C
- C&C supporting Early Day Motions (EDMs)
- HMG's UK Climate Act (UKCA 2008) is C&C (Right Principle, Wrong Rates)
- Chairman of the Climate Change Committee Adair Turner confirms C&C is the basis of the UK Climate Act
- Carbon Budget Analysis Tool (CBAT) introduced in 2013
- International support for C&C Principle
Given the now critical state of play in 2019, the simple full-term C&C logic needs to be brought to bear in less than twenty years