Any Carbon Budgets can be programmed via xml into CBAT.
Here, in various sets of THREE [LOW; MEDIUM; HIGH] is a selection of Carbon Budgets
[1] CBAT Basic 140 Gt C [LOW]; UKCA 395 Gt C [MEDIUM]; BETTS 593 Gt C [HIGH];

[2] Hansen 171 Gt C [LOW]; IGBP 250 Gt C [MEDIUM]; UKCA 395 Gt C [HIGH];

[3] IGBP 250 Gt C [LOW]; IGBP 250 Gt C [MEDIUM]; IGBP 250 Gt C [HIGH];

[4] Betts 140 Gt C [LOW]; McKibben 154 Gt C [MEDIUM]; Hansen 171 Gt C [HIGH];

[5] Hansen 171 Gt C [LOW]; IGBP 250 Gt C [MEDIUM]; Hansen 674 Gt C [HIGH];

[6] Betts 140 Gt C [LOW]; IGBP 250 Gt C [MEDIUM]; Betts 410 Gt C [HIGH];

[7] RCP 3, 380 Gt C [LOW]; RCP 6, 1,375 Gt C [MEDIUM]; RCP, 8.5 2,292 Gt C [HIGH];

[8] Wasdell -388 Gt C [LOW]; Hansen 1 171 Gt C [MEDIUM]; Hansen 2 674 Gt C [HIGH]

[9] Hansen 349 Gt C [LOW]; Hansen 697 Gt C [MEDIUM]; Hansen 548 Gt C [HIGH]

Note: - The Hansen 'Plos paper' without declaring it, takes up lower emissions output figures for
2010 resulting in this analysis and "Five Questions for J Hansen re 'PLOS' & different messages to the USA and to China."
[9a] Hansen 171 Gt C [LOW]; Hansen 265 Gt C [MEDIUM]; Hansen 529 Gt C [HIGH]

[9b] Hansen 171 Gt C [LOW]; Hansen 265 Gt C [MEDIUM]; Hansen 529 Gt C [HIGH]
showing that his climate-model obviously ignores positive feedback effects.
Switch the UKCA switch to 'ON' [ignore labels] & choose 'Segregated Feedback' for LOW MEDIUM & HIGH.
Then compare his atmospheric CO2 concentration curves with the CBAT concentration curves.
There are three of his [one for LOW, one for MEDIUM & one for HIGH].
of these show truly massive deceleration,
with the potentially massive acceleration of these curves
as warming increases and releases feedback emissions at an accelerating rate.
The difference is strikingly obvious and shows that Hansen's model obviously ignores and omits all consideration of positive feedback effects [particularly the melt-rate of Arctic Permafrost, about which he is so vocal].
