Info point 6a: - CHINA proposes IMMEDIATE CONVERGENCE

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As shown here the horizontal slider covers the time-period 2010 to 2110: -

Within the operative time-line of 2010 to 2110, the horizontal slider has two elements: -

  1. the start-date [the left-pointing half - < - of the slider] and
  2. the end-date [the right-pointing half - > - of the slider].

Using these, a 'convergence-window' of: -

  1. any period - . . . . . . < . . . > . . . . . - within the 100 years and of
  2. any duration - < . . . . . . . . . . > . . . . - within the 100 years

can be chosen by the CBAT-user.


Adhering to the logic of C&C, China proposes C&C with 'Immediate Convergence'

Before COP-15 [in July 2009] the Chinese DRC published the following statement about C&C and the *rate of convergence* - Adhering to the logic of C&C, the DRC says it should be immediate as follows: -

“Since the principle of ‘contraction and convergence’ was first proposed by the Global Commons Institute in 2000, it has been widely embraced by some industrialised countries.

Under contraction and convergence, each country will start out with emission entitlements: -

  1. equal to its current real emissions levels, and then,
  2. over time, converge to equal its per capita entitlements
  3. the convergence principle should be applied immediately
  4. rather than later as the ‘converged point’ in the future

. . . . while the overall global budget contracts to accommodate the emissions reduction objective.

Using CBAT for 'convergence-over-time' could look like this, as in the UK Climate Act for example at '2050'.
[NB GCI never prescribed '2050' as the convergence-date, as various European Parties have alleged].

Using CBAT for 'immediate-convergence' could look like this.
[NB GCI introduced C&C with precisely this functionality built-in for negotiatiability at COP].

  1. ‘Real emissions’ is a different concept to ‘emissions entitlements’.
  2. A country’s high/low per capita real emissions cannot justify its high/low emission entitlements.
  3. In the process of convergence, the rights and interests of country B are really infringed by country A.
  4. In the National Emissions Account-based solution, the concept of convergence can still be incorporated,
  5. but it now merely means ‘convergence of real emissions’ rather than ‘convergence of emission entitlements’.
  6. Each country’s gaps between its emission entitlements and real emissions need to be balanced by the traded emissions quotas.”

    Development Research Council to the Chinese Government - 2009

Negotiate your own rate of convergence . . . . Using CBAT 'Domain Two' [mouse-touch the little icon on the left] the rates of convergence can be tested and negotiated using the horizontal sliders [Full Screen CBAT here ].

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This is consistent with the C&C Submission to UNFCCC 28 02 2012
for which there is considerable support


Negotiating UNFCCC-compliance globally, *Accelerating the rate of Convergence relative to the rate of Contraction* provides *the Main International Equity Lever.*

Negotiating UNFCCC-compliance globally, *Accelerating the rate of Convergence relative to the rate of Contraction* provides *the Main International Equity Lever.*

‘C&C has the virtue of simplicity. Equal per capita emissions is a natural focal point. Contestable computations based on economic variables do not need to enter the allocation formula.

Review of Climate Change Economics to the Australian Government by Ross Garnaut - 2008

“Since the principle of ‘contraction and convergence’ was first proposed by the Global Commons Institute in 2000, it has been widely embraced by some industrialised countries. Under contraction and convergence, each country will start out with emission entitlements equal to its current real emissions levels, and then, over time, converge to equal its per capita entitlements, while the overall global budget contracts to accommodate the emissions reduction objective. The convergence principle should be applied immediately rather than later as the ‘converged point’ in the future. ‘Real emissions’ is a different concept to ‘emissions entitlements’. A country’s high/low per capita real emissions cannot justify its high/low emission entitlements. In the process of convergence, the rights and interests of country B are really infringed by country A. In the National Emissions Account-based solution, the concept of convergence can still be incorporated, but it now merely means ‘convergence of real emissions’ rather than ‘convergence of emission entitlements’. Each country’s gaps between its emission entitlements and real emissions need to be balanced by the traded emissions quotas.”

Development Research Council to the Chinese Government - 2009

“We believe that it is difficult to imagine a global deal which allows the developed countries to have emissions per capita which are significantly above a sustainable global average.”

UK Government’s ‘Committee to the Climate Change Act'


Negotiating Convergence Rate: 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, [COP-15 prescribed 2050].
The intervening positions on the rate of convergence, with weight and value [$100/tonne] are: -

by Year
Weight of Carbon Rights transferred
to LDCs in Billions Tonnes Carbon [Gt C]
Value of Carbon Rights transferred to LDCs over 40 years @ $ per tonne carbon
50 Gt C
$5.0 trillion
40 Gt C
$4.0 trillion
29 Gt C
$2.9 trillion
16 Gt C
$1.6 trillion
8 Gt C
$0.8 trillion
0 Gt C
$0.0 trillion

This is an extended version that includes animations and a movie.


Page 1 Convergence by 2010 or 2020 or 2030 or 2040 or 2045 or by 2050
Page 2 Contents & UNFCCC decisions [COP-17] for 'increased ambition'
Page 3 C&C memo to UNFCCC in response to these decisions
Page 4 Charts with distributive effect of different convergence rates
Page 5 Notes to memo and links to references Annexes & Movie below, are in the full document at: -
Page 6 - 7 Original C&C Briefing
Page 8 Graphic overview of UNFCCC-compliance
Page 9 - 11 Article in UNEP's 'Climate Action' on graphic overview
Page 11 Animations of different rates of C&C as laid out in IPCC C&C Movie from the C&C Foundation
Page 12 Movie shows a strategic approach to negotiating international agreement for achieving UNFCCC-compliance.

Also here