In 2017, we are approaching the 'event horizon' of irreversibility with climate change. In December 2017, Jeremy Mathis, Director of NOAA's Arctic Programme said,
"the environment is changing so quickly . . . there is an almost runaway effect . . . we can't quite get a handle on what this new state is going to look like."
However, the UK Government refuses to align its carbon reduction target with the Paris Climate Agreement

- C&C first 20 years (1989-2008)
- Assumptions; the 'Well Tempered Climate Accord'
- C&C principle is unchallenged
- The principle is 'Well Tempering'
- Support for this remains unrivalled
- More High Level Support
- The C&C Archive
- Global Warming is Accelerating (positive-feedback)
- Sinks are shrinking (positive-feedback)
- Feedback & C&C Embedded in CBAT the Carbon Budget Analysis Tool
- The UK Climate Act (UKCA 2008) is C&C (Right Principle, Wrong Rates)
- All UK Political Parties strongly endorsed C&C
- EAC Carbon Budget Enquiries (2009 - 2013)
- Emissions Creep since UKCA
- 'Five Wise Monkeys' - a ludicrous idea from the UK CCC
- Sane Safe Fair? UK 'leadership' is >3 times its global share!
- More false accounting from the British Government
- Fee and Dividend - a good idea from James Hansen
- Collaboration with Plan-B
- All Country CREDIT DEBIT (1750-2020)
- Submission to the Talanoa Dialogue (2017)
- Damages Liabilities
- Judicial Review
- The irrationality of delay; the case in a Nutshell
- Judicial Review; Update
- Speech at RCJ; C&C "The Well Tempered Climate Accord"
- Judicial Review; Second Update
- HMG dodgy statistics
- IPCC 'Miracle' for AR6 - more carbon equals less temperature
- Climate emergency, COP-24 & the the 'Katowice Rulebook'
- 'Dominance' (Music) - the 'seminal derivation' of 'Phi'
- Phi All Life
- Eternity
- A Beautiful Model (Limits to Growth)
From 1750 to 2013 & forward to 2050, by country & at each point in time (by year), carbon-shares are calculated in relation to the global per capita average amount of emissions in each of those years. This defines the international per capita average of carbon consumption as a global reference standard over that time. Here is consumption by resource 1750 to 2013
The extent of carbon CREDIT and/or DEBIT internationally accumulated since 1750 is recorded in the country charts and tables at the regional links here: -
From this global reference standard, we can quantify and compare international carbon consumption per unit time over: -
- the 'PAST', a period of gradual emissions expansion (with ~50% accumulation in the global atmosphere & 25% accumulation in the global sinks) &
- the 'FUTURE', a period of rapid emissions contraction and what needs to happen 2014-2050 for UNFCCC-compliance, as per the Paris Agreement (see below).
- So with the national parts commuting with the international whole across time and space, if an individual country's actual emissions: -
Past emissions data comes primarily from CDIAC (Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre - US Government);
Population data comes from various sources (principally from the World Bank);
Future carbon budget integrals to meet the temperature targets in the 'Paris Agreement' come from the IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report.
A short explantation of each element of the global analysis that has been done for each country
With some overall analysis of CO2 flows 1750-2050, the 209 countries in this study are listed here
- All Country CREDIT DEBIT (1750-2020)
- C&C first 20 years (1989-2008)
- UK Climate Act (2008)
- C&C principle is unchallenged; support for it is unrivalled
- C&C is Embedded in 'CBAT', the Carbon Budget Analysis Tool
- Global Warming is Accelerating
- Sinks shrinking
- EAC Carbon Budget Enquiries (2009 - 2013)
- Collaboration with Plan-B
- Submission to the Talanoa Dialogue (2017)
- Damages Liabilities
- Judicial Review
- The irrationality of delay - the case in a Nutshell
- Judicial Review - Update
- Speech at RCJ - C&C, "The Well Tempered Climate Accord"
- Judicial Review - Second Update
- HMG dodgy statistics
- Sane Safe Fair (UK CO2 'leadership' is >3 times its equal global share)
- IPCC Miracle for AR6 - more carbon equals less temperature
- Assumptions (logic versus ideology)
- 'Dominance' (Music) - the 'seminal derivation' of 'Phi'
- Phi All Life
- Eternity
- A Beautiful Model (Limits to Growth)