GLOBAL CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Burning & Land Use Changes
All country Accumulated International
CREDITS &/or DEBITS 1750 to 2013....
& Future global carbon constraints set by the Paris Agreement to the UNFCCC

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The gap between amibition in & the implementation of the Paris Agreement is a worsening double-jeopardy between: -

  1. [a] the still growing total of emissions that is driving us all towards climate disaster &
    [b] the rapidly shrinking total that is still available to avoid this &

  2. [c] the UNFCCC Parties which caused this problem &
    [d] the UNFCCC Parties which didn't, some of whom are already being driven to extinction by it.


From 1750 to 2013 & forward to 2050, by country & at each point in (by year),
carbon emissions are calculated in relation to the global per capita average of emissions in each of those years.

This defines 1750 to 2013: -

The extent of carbon CREDIT &/or DEBIT internationally accumulated since 1750 is recorded in charts & tables.

  1. Return to CREDIT:DEBIT Analysis
  2. Go to All Countries listing Alphabetical
  3. Go to All Countries in Regional Groupings
  4. Go to an easy Visualization of how CREDIT:DEBIT is calculated
  5. Go to All Countries in Overal CREDIT:DEBIT Groupings
  6. Go to All Countries detailed CREDIT:DEBIT Breakdown as %s
  7. Go to UK Emissions compared with several Regions
  8. Go to a short explanation of each element of the global analysis done for each country

Within this global reference framework, international carbon consumption per unit time has been quantified and compared for: -

  • the 'PAST', a period of gradual emissions expansion
    (with ~50% accumulation in the global atmosphere & ~50% accumulation in the global sinks) &

  • the 'FUTURE', a period of rapid emissions contraction and what needs to happen 2014-2050
    for UNFCCC-compliance, as per the Paris Agreement.

    So with the national parts commuting with the international whole across geographical space & time (1750-2013), if an individual country's actual emissions: -

    • were above that average, the country as a whole was debiting the global commons account;
    • were below that average, the country as a whole was crediting the global commons account;
    • were both below & above that average, the country as a whole was both crediting & debiting the global commons account.


  • Past emissions data comes primarily from CDIAC
    (Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre, Oak Ridge, Tennessee - US Government);

  • Population data comes from various sources
    (principally from the World Bank);

  • Future carbon budget integrals to meet the temperature targets in the 'Paris Agreement'
    come from the IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report.

The carbon accounting here was published by 'Lawtext' in 'Environmental Liability, Law Policy & Practice' (2016) as part of the study (Crosland et al) known as The Paris Agreement Implementation Blueprint. It is 'A Practical Guide to Bridging the Gap between Actions & Goal & Closing the Accountability Deficit'.
