Chris Mottershead

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As alwaysI am happy to support your submissions and greatly admire your perseverance!


Chris Motterhead
Vice Principal (Research & Innovation)
Kings' College London
James Clerk Maxwell Building

Mr Mottershead has been Vice-Principal (Research and Innovation) and a member of the College Council since 2009.
He is also a member of the Council's Chairman's Committee and the Academic Board, and is Chairman of the Board's
College Research Committee and a Director of the KCL Business Board.

More on Mr Mottershead

Chris Mottershead ex BP: - "BP needs to hold itself accountable to the ethical implications of C&C"

GCI Evidence to BP [2004] A C&C 'world-view' [Powerpoint].

BP's statement followed later: -

“Contraction & Convergence helps greatly. It is inclusive and makes clear what needs to be achieved. Without such a shared model, there will not be the necessary relationships that create the new and exciting possibilities and the trust for shared action.”

Chris Mottershead Distinguished Advisor Energy & Environment BP plc.