Yes Aubrey
I strongly support the C&C approach and the submission to the UNFCCC.
Chris Rose
Director Campaign Strategy Ltd
12 Jolly Sailor Yard, wells next the Sea, Norfolk, UK, NR23 1LA

According to Chris Rose who is also the ex Campaigns Director for Greenpeace,
10 factors have made it hard to campaign effectively ‘on climate’.
- Scientists defined the issue;
- Governments ran off with it;
- NGOs adopted secondary roles;
- The issue had no public;
- The media were left to define the issue in visual terms;
- Governments soft pedalled on the issue;
- Scientists led calls for education of the public;
- Many NGOs tried to make the UNFCCC ‘work’;
- Others tried to connect it with “bigger issues”;
- There was no common proposition.
(In a nutshell this list summarises the
fundamental problem - everybody has been picking numbers out of hats).
Rose wrote, "only Aubrey Meyer father of ‘contraction and convergence’, managed to penetrate this remote citadel.
NGOs could prioritise climate change but they were stuck in someone else’s game."
This insight reflects why support for C&C and the extent of it became so 'dizzying'.
Why Campaigning on Climate is Difficult: Chris Rose

Some years later and in support of a nomination for the Blue Planet Award
these words were written by Herman Daly Emeritus Professor University of Maryland.
"It seems to me that Contraction and Convergence is the basic principle that should guide climate policy,
and that this policy is really unchallenged in principle by any of the climate models under discussion.
Granted that it is good to have accurate models of how the world works, and to work out the numerical balances of C&C.
Nevertheless, I wonder at what point complex & uncertain empirical models become a distraction from simple first principles?
C&C is a necessary condition for a just and sustainable world.
With best wishes & admiration for your important work on C&C."