Collaboration with Plan B (2015 to 2017)


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In 2015 with encouragment from Don Brown of Pennsylvania University and at the suggestion of Plan B,
GCI created web pages based on the INDCs and CBAT methodology.

These led to the image below. With the three 'necklace' budgets for compliance with 1.5° to 2.0° C - as in the 'Paris Climate Agreement' - this image became very widely used.

This global carbon budgeting also became the basis of a legal strategy in 2015.
This is being used in the UK Courts this year (2017), for Judicial Review of the UKCA initiated by Plan B
which action Sir David King supports.

From the above and from what follows, it is clear there is a growing consensus that the 'path-integral' of the global carbon contraction budget needs to be

  • three times lighter by carbon weight and
  • three times faster by contraction-rate

than the global carbon budget in the UK Climate Act.

In 2016, telling his audience at the IEA in January that, 'we face a looming climate catastrophe', Sir David King (former UK Government Chief Scientist & climate negotiator) presented this analysis of future carbon budgets in relation to the INDCs under the Paris Agreement, elaborating on what it will take to avoid that catastrophe.

In 2017, on this basis the UK Government has been asked to explain what they intend to do about the inadequacy of their climate response (illustrated here) against the temperature goals now in the Paris Agreement to which the UK is a signatory. As responses received from HMG have been inadequate, Judicial Review now seems certain.

Stephen Hawking, tells the BBC - "We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible."

John Schellnhuber et al abandon the RCP 2.6 scenario of 288 Gt C under-pinning the UKCA (from UKMO) and adopt the carbon weight/rate equivalent of the Carbon Budgets as published in NATURE, while retaining the unrealistically delayed feedback schedule of 'tipping points'.















  1. C&C first 20 years (1989-2008)
  2. Assumptions; the 'Well Tempered Climate Accord'
  3. C&C principle is unchallenged
  4. The principle is 'Well Tempering'
  5. Support for this remains unrivalled
  6. The C&C Archive
  7. Global Warming is Accelerating (positive-feedback)
  8. Sinks are shrinking (positive-feedback)
  9. C&C is Embedded in CBAT the Carbon Budget Analysis Tool
  10. The UK (Global) Climate Act is C&C (2008)
  11. EAC Carbon Budget Enquiries (2009 - 2013)
  12. Collaboration with Plan-B
  13. All Country CREDIT DEBIT (1750-2020)
  14. Submission to the Talanoa Dialogue (2017)
  15. Damages Liabilities
  16. Judicial Review
  17. The irrationality of delay; the case in a Nutshell
  18. Judicial Review; Update
  19. Speech at RCJ; C&C "The Well Tempered Climate Accord"
  20. Judicial Review; Second Update
  21. HMG dodgy statistics
  22. Sane Safe Fair? UK 'leadership' is >3 times its global share!
  23. IPCC Miracle for AR6 - more carbon equals less temperature
  24. Climate emergency, COP-24 & the the 'Katowice Rulebook'
  25. 'Dominance' (Music) - the 'seminal derivation' of 'Phi'
  26. Phi All Life
  27. Eternity
  28. A Beautiful Model (Limits to Growth)