Extraordinary People
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Lao Tse
H P Blavatsky
B K S Iyengar
Nyoichi Sakurazawa
(George Ohsawa)
Lynda McDonald - textile artist and former programme manager NHS
Herman Daly
Don Brown
Sir John Houghton
Alex Evans
Tim Helweg Larson
Tom Spencer
Andrew Dlugolecki
Julian Salt
Ginny Batson
Roger Hallam - one of the co-founders of Extinction Rebellion
Greta Thunberg
BMJ article on Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion
& the science of climate change
Links supporting BMJ Article
Ross Garnaut
Colin Challen MP, the greatest climate campaigner ever in the UK Parliament
Lord Adair Turner
Sir David King
Harley Wright
Mike Hutchinson, the most Focused Climate Change Film Maker
Mayer Hillman - since the '60's a veteran campaigner for C&C & personal carbon allowances
Dave Hampton - broadcaster educator and activist
Jelle Hielkema - former Director at FAO, author and visionary
Bill McGuire
Laurie Barlow - Architect campaigner and educator
Dr Robin Stott
Rabbi Jeffrey Newman
Peter Critchley
David Hembrow
Adam Poole - Engineer at Buro Happold
John Caddy - artist & visionary
Michael A Sherbon
The Carbon budget below (44 Giga-tonnes Carbon left to zero carbon globally 2020-2025)
defines (by date-weight-rate) the 'Climate-Event-Horizon projected in the chart below.
It is one of the three primary demands of Extinction Rebellion.