Please add my name to the list of endorsements for C&C for Rio+20.
All the best
Dr Julian E Salt

“C&C is so open and transparent. Within the insurance sector it is recognised by CEOs who know they need a long-term global framework within which they can assess their risk. Without C&C they’re stuck with a guesswork approach. A stable insurance industry is essential for a stable economy and a stable financial sector. Insurance needs a long term global framework so it can plan for the future. C&C will help bring this about. It needs to be adopted at the highest level, from the UN down through every business sector.”
“Aubrey Meyer is the most courageous and brilliant climate researcher I have ever met. He is willing to say what other’s merely think. He is quite fearless of any audience and the most eloquent of speaker’s because he knows that ultimately the concept of Contraction and Convergence [C&C] is indestructible and will in the fullness of time be adopted in some form by the UNFCCC. He has developed his arguments over twenty years with a minimum of fund-ing and has refused to compromise his position in any way for financial gain or glory. He is tireless in his research and quest to understand every nuance of the climate debate. It has been an honour for me to have known and worked with such a brilliant mind and such an honest person as Aubrey. He has much support from very well placed and respectable people and deserves global recognition for his work. He is quite simply a modern-day genius who will one day be respected for his vision and beliefs. He should be considered for the Nobel Peace prize as his efforts ultimately will save the planet from the ravages of man-induced climate change.”
Dr JULIAN SALT - Director of Climate Solutions
I first met Aubrey Meyer early in 1992 just prior to INC/V being held in New York. He was trying to arrange a conference on climate and equity issues. Throughout our long telephone conversation I was struck by the beauty of the argument now called the "Contraction and Convergence" theory as well as its simplicity.
In addition, Aubrey himself seemed driven by an utter belief in the principle enshrined in the "C+C" approach. When he later sent me copies of the graphics that back up the "C+C" argument I was blown away by their incisiveness and attention to detail. I have been a believer in "C+C" ever since and maintain that it is the only
credible answer to a very complex climate problem.
Aubrey has operated without any major funding ever since I have known him. He
relies on other people’s goodwill and donations. He has never compromised himself
or his idea in order to obtain inappropriate funding. This has to be commended in an
ever more commercial world. He tirelessly campaigns for the cause and will never
give in despite the forces ranged against him.
Climate politics are entering a decisive phase as we approach the adoption of the
Kyoto Protocol and it’s strengthening by what ever means are deemed politically
acceptable. Never before has GCI needed backing, recognition and funding as now.
To miss this opportunity would be a great shame for a beautifully simple idea that
could literally change the future of the human race.
Dr JULIAN SALT - 2003 - Director of Climate Solutions
"For negotiators to make the next steps more effective, they have to not only grapple with the rising tide of man-made emissions, but also the far more important issue of feedback emissions (both natural and induced).
This CBAT model created by Aubrey Meyer encapsulates this issue in his usual style of beautiful imagery that at a glance will show any negotiator the seriousness of the problem at hand.
CBAT will at a stroke negate all present emissions targets as futile and force them to reconsider the whole issue from a global perspective.
As past efforts have shown, if this approach is not taken another 10-20 years will be wasted in more UNFCCC meetings.
I commend this model to any agency that cares to listen and act on his findings."
Julian Salt Insurance Industry Consultant