Note on share calculation
On a year-by-year basis for the past (1750-2013) each country’s equal per capita share of past emissions is derived from: -
a) Compiling the estimates of each country’s population for each year 1750-2013 as paths, but not integrals (source primarily World Bank and various);
b) Compiling the estimates of each country’s CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning for each year 1750-2013 as paths but also as integrals (source primarily CDIAC);
c) Summing the CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning for each country to totals for each year 1750- 2013, but also as an integral i.e. as an individual total for each country, summing all years 1750- 2013 – giving an overall total of 376 Gt C;
d) Adding and summing a global estimate of the 'bio-carbon' or non-fossil CO2 emissions from Land Use Change (LUC) for each year, giving an integral of 111 Gt C 1750-2013;
e) Summing both the fossil and the non-fossil CO2 emissions globally for all years 1750-2013 that are also then summed to a global total integral of emissions of 487 Gt C; and this is the composite global carbon budget for the period ‘the PAST’ 1750-2013;
f) The emissions per capita of each country are calculated by dividing the CO2 emissions for each year by the population for each year (as paths only and not as integrals);
g) Each country’s ‘emissions share’ of the global emissions total is calculated as being equal to their annual share of the global population total as that total emerged, 1750-2013;
h) For example, Norway’s share of global emissions over the period 1750-2013 was 433.5 Mt C or 0.09% of the total global carbon budget for that period, reflecting its changing share of global population over that period.
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