Outcry over the the Economics of Genocide (1994/5)
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- GCI's comment on UNFCCC - "return to sender" 1992
- GCI's critique of the economics argued in the IPCC Second Assessment Report
Sustained between 1993 & 1995 in the IPCC,
GCI's clash with economists over the the value of life became huge.
The advice from a friends was, "don't ever give up!"
It led to addressing the numeraire question
- GCI's critique was upheld in IPCC_SAR
- Globally the poor are more 'carbon-efficient' than the rich
- The 3 in 1 Trefoil
- Usury
- Uneconomic Growth Disorder
- The Economics of Genocide
- Genocide by any other name (then)
- Genocide by any other name (now)
- bankruptcy lay ahead unless the problem was solved and
- the problem was insoluble without Contraction & Convergence
In the Carbon Budget Analysis Tool (CBAT)
the rates and ratios of climate-damages to growth
are starkly straightforward in CBAT Domain 4 . . .
The rate of economic growth minus the rate of climate-damages
potentially overwhelms the economy within decades . . . .
This was already clear and publicy stated at COP-6
by leading members of the global Insurance Industry.
In 2021 the situation now critical looks like this.