Contraction & Convergence Trade Marks ®
Contraction & Convergence is the name given by GCI to the calculating methodology introduced to the UNFCCC in 1996. Its purpose is to assist development of a climate mitigation policy framework for achieving UNFCCC compliance. The name and variants of it plus C&C and its Logo are all registered Trade Marks.
The definition statement of Contraction and Convergence was published in the Institute of Civil Engineers
and C&C
is now embedded in user-chooser animation Domain 2 of the Carbon Budget Accounting Tool (CBAT)
The purpose of having a C&C Trade Mark is to protect the integrity of the C&C argument. It exists to ensure that an internally-consistent rationale for 'climate-justice-without-vengeance' forms the transparent basis for negotiation.
The key issue is the principle and the rates at which it is brought to bear on UN negotiations.
The challenge for negotiators is to arrive at a common 'path-integral' for the emissions restraint that is necessary for UNFCCC-compliance. C&C is designed for this purpose. Using the C&C model, negotiators can agree rates of emissions reduction according to the principles of equity and precaution, rather than randomly 'prescribing' sub-global or national rates of emissions control.
This is really what 'protecting the path-integrity' of the C&C argument is about: protecting C&C's internally consistent rationale for 'climate-justice-without-vengeance'.
It is also there to correct any misrepresentation of the C&C model by third-parties. Various significant correction/citations have arisen as a result.
Ultimately UNFCCC-Compliance is about being rational and effective, as we must do enough soon enough, for fear of failing to do enough soon enough. In the trade-off between short-term pain and long-term gain, the C&C trade mark is for a 'curve' - not a brand - that signifies coming together globally in a goal-focused rationale for full-term success.
A brief definition of C&C is here.