Hi Aubrey
As co-editor of Life Without Money and co-author of the Contract and Converge chapter in it I am happy for you to add my signature to your UNFCCC proposal:
Keep up the good work.

Associate Professor Anitra Nelson,
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.

Life Without Money, by Anitra Nelson and Frans Timmerman
- CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements List of Boxes Abbreviations
- Money v. Socialism, by Anitra Nelson - Honorary Associate Professor of RMIT University (Australia)
- Work Refusal and Self-Organisation, by Harry Cleaver Associate Prof of Economics at the University of Texas (Austin)
- Money, Markets and Ecology, by John O’Neill - Hallsworth Professor of Political Economy at the University of Manchester (England)
- The Value of a Synergistic Economy, by Ariel Salleh - Researcher in Political Economy at the University of Sydney (Australia), and previously Associate Professor in Social Ecology at the University of Western Sydney
- A Gift Economy, by Terry Leahy - Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Newcastle (Australia)
- Non-Market Socialism, by Adam Buick - Member of the Socialist Party of Great Britain and regular contributor to the Socialist Standard
- Self-Management and Efficiency, by Mihailo Markovi - Widely published Serbian philosopher and scholar, worked for many years in the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy
- Labour Credit – Twin Oaks Community, by Kat Kinkade with the Twin Oaks Community - Founding member of Twin Oaks Community, established in Virginia (USA) in 1967, and co-founder of the East Wind and Acorn communities, and the Federation of Egalitarian Communities, which still exist today
- The Money-Free Autonomy of Spanish Squatters, by Claudio Cattaneo - Obtained his PhD at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and teaches ecological economics at Carlo Cattaneo University (Italy)
- Global Strategy: Contract and Converge, by Anitra Nelson and Frans Timmerman - Prominent socialist faction leader in the Australian Labor Party for decades and a political adviser to several members of parliament. Co-editor of Free Palestine published by the General Palestinian Delegation in Australia (1979–1990) Notes on Contributors Index