C&C-Centric ‘path-dependency’.
In 13 Venus years, there are 8 Earth years,
and 5 Earth:Venus Perigee ‘KISS’ (EVPK) moments*.
This suggests a ‘wave-particle’ synthesis of how
a C&C-centered consciousness co-operates as
a ‘concept-constitution’ or ‘centre-of-gravity’ that
‘pulls-together’ from the centre of ‘expanding-consciousness’.
Noting that 5 of these cycles in sequence
totals the 40 Earth years roughly still available
to complete the full-term C&C-event that achieves
UNFCCC-compliance i.e. UNFCCC-compliance = C&C*52(EVPK).
So, where in this path-integral, is it appropriate to
‘place-and-vector’ various ‘sector-specific-constituencies’
when success is governed by completion of the full-term
C&C-event that achieves UNFCCC-compliance? The sure way not to fail is the determination to succeed.
In the solar-system, the cycle for this has already been determined.
The key is linking that to the question, ‘are we determind to succeed’?
If we are . . . .
then the need to link this path-integral understanding,
in the disaggregated and often harshly competing special interests
of ‘sector-specific-constituencies’, to that commitment follows and is absolute.
On the right-hand page is the enlarged detail of the image on the left-hand page.
"VISTO in all its splendour. Well-earned - the 'Pythagoras Medal' is to be conferred on you." FAO elder.
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