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Dear Aubrey
Yes I am willing to sign the UNFCCC proposal.
Thanks very much.
Dr Clive R Sneddon
Toll Park
20 Hepburn Gardens
St Andrews
KY16 9DE

In politics as in his work as a teacher, Clive Sneddon believes in helping people realise their potential whether by helping them decide what is right for them or by finding practical solutions to their problems. As a councillor on North East Fife District Council (1980-96), Clive was able to help individuals and communities, and was particularly supportive of using council funds to support community groups through matching funding. Clive also used European initiative funding to promote tourism by working with other European local authorities in France, Spain and Greece. In housing, a heat-efficient dwelling scheme secured reduction in energy needs and costs for tenants. In recycling, substantial progress was made for paper and glass, but a successful pilot scheme to show commercial possibilities for local business was taken no further by the Labour-controlled Fife Council in 1996.
As a parliamentary candidate, Clive has been particularly interested in what can be done to help people with finding and creating work and resolving problems of health, education and addiction. Before the 2007 election, he was a member of a Scottish Liberal Democrat working party on Education policy, which stressed the need to use the time when children are young and able to absorb a great deal to enable them to discover what they are interested in and good at, and also to ensure that they learn to work and play cooperatively.
B.A.(Hons) in Modern Languages
Work Experience:
Editorial assistant to the proposed Oxford Mediaeval French Dictionary 1971-74; Lecturer in French, University of St Andrews since 1974
Council Experience:
1984-88: North East Fife District Council: Finance Convenor
1988-92: Council Convenor
1990-92: Convention of Scottish Local Authorities: Convenor of Rural Affairs Committee
1992-96: Leader of the Administration
1994-96: EU Committee of the Regions, Alternate Member
Parliamentary Experience:
Dundee East 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009; European list for Scotland 1999, 2004, 2009
Occupation:University teacher
Interests:Contraction and convergence, achieving reasonable solutions
Marital Status:Married, one daughter, one son
Memberships: Green Lib Dems, Liberal International