Dear Aubrey
As co-editor of Life Without Money and co-author of the Contract and Converge chapter in it, I am happy for you to add my signature to your "Contraction & Convergence" [C&C] proposal to the UNFCCC.
Frans Timmerman BSc

Frans Timmerman has been a prominent member of the socialist Left of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) for decades, leading the ALP Pledge faction in the 1990s. He has been a political adviser to several members of parliament and, in 2010, was made a Life Member of the ALP. In 1973, Frans graduated from the University of New South Wales with a BSc, majoring in mathematics. He has been associated with publishing since 1970 as a journalist, academic editor and bookseller. He is an Accredited Editor with the Institute of Professional Editors. Frans co-wrote, with Anitra Nelson, the introductory 'Use value and exchange value' and final 'Global strategy: contract and converge' chapters of Life Without Money and took primary responsibility for all the editing. He co-edited Free Palestine, published by the General Palestinian Delegation in Australia (1979–90), and was one of the authors of Marxism, the Nation and the Jewish Question (1988) which is still available at Gould's Book Arcade, 32 King Street, Newtown, NSW, Australia.

Life Without Money, by Anitra Nelson and Frans Timmerman
- CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements List of Boxes Abbreviations
- Money v. Socialism, by Anitra Nelson - Honorary Associate Professor of RMIT University (Australia)
- Work Refusal and Self-Organisation, by Harry Cleaver Associate Prof of Economics at the University of Texas (Austin)
- Money, Markets and Ecology, by John O’Neill - Hallsworth Professor of Political Economy at the University of Manchester (England)
- The Value of a Synergistic Economy, by Ariel Salleh - Researcher in Political Economy at the University of Sydney (Australia), and previously Associate Professor in Social Ecology at the University of Western Sydney
- A Gift Economy, by Terry Leahy - Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Newcastle (Australia)
- Non-Market Socialism, by Adam Buick - Member of the Socialist Party of Great Britain and regular contributor to the Socialist Standard
- Self-Management and Efficiency, by Mihailo Markovi - Widely published Serbian philosopher and scholar, worked for many years in the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy
- Labour Credit – Twin Oaks Community, by Kat Kinkade with the Twin Oaks Community - Founding member of Twin Oaks Community, established in Virginia (USA) in 1967, and co-founder of the East Wind and Acorn communities, and the Federation of Egalitarian Communities, which still exist today
- The Money-Free Autonomy of Spanish Squatters, by Claudio Cattaneo - Obtained his PhD at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and teaches ecological economics at Carlo Cattaneo University (Italy)
- Global Strategy: Contract and Converge, by Anitra Nelson and Frans Timmerman - Prominent socialist faction leader in the Australian Labor Party for decades and a political adviser to several members of parliament. Co-editor of Free Palestine published by the General Palestinian Delegation in Australia (1979–1990) Notes on Contributors Index