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Aubrey: We are happy to sign on to your latest iteration of Contraction and Convergence.
We are focusing most on the transition to low-carbon, sustainable economies.
Thanks for all your great work,
Fond regards to All

D.Sc.Hon., FRSA, author, futurist, president
Ethical Markets Media, LLC
PO Box 5190, Saint Augustine, FL 32084

"Colin Challen, chair of the All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group in Britain, in a speech on March 28, 2006, called for the Contraction and Convergence plan of the Global Commons Institute based in the UK, which calls for globally shared “emission rights" for every man, woman, and child, so that poorer people could sell theirs to the richer thereby converging on equitable reductions of CO2."
"Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy"
Hazel Henderson