Thank you for your note. I gladly support your initiative as I think C&C of affluence promotes global justice. Something to think about: I = PAT means population has the same impact on the environment as Affluence. C&C therefore should be applied not only to the A factor, but also to the P factor., i. e. To the birth rates.
Helmut Helmut Burkhardt, Dr. rer. nat.
Professor of Physics Emeritus
Ryerson University Toronto,
ON, Canada

Policy Recommendations to Governments Worldwide
- Limit biomass energy to waste utilization, and discourage energy farming
- Implement the Contraction and Convergence Principle, as suggested by the Kyoto Agreement, for the sake of global energy justice
- Prevent further growth of total power consumption by managing world population, and power consumption per person through improved efficiency
- Place highest priority on research, development, and large scale implementation of technical solar energy conversion
Also see Julia Morton Marr