Dear Aubrey
Thank you for your work on this difficult subject. These words [from the Council on Global Issues - see below] were written by Helmut Burkhardt who I have been working with for some years.
I personally do support your initiative. Please also take a look at the development of the educational work I am doing through the 'International Holistic Tourism Education Centre - IHTEC'.
We have developed a series of statements in the form of dedications to be used in a peace garden. I believe that it is only by educating every child around the world, at the same time, that we will be able to create the changes that are needed. I attach a few of IHTEC's collective thoughts.
I also belong to a group of academics, who are members of Science for Peace Canadian Pugwash Global Issues Project. There are a number of documents that have been developed out of our Roundtable series.
I have also sent your email on to Prof. Emeritus Helmut Burkhardt, Prof Emeritus Derek Paul who would also be prepared to support your proposal.
Dame Julia Morton-Marr
Founding President IHTEC

The International Holistic Tourism Education Centre
Julia Morton-Marr, DStG., B.Edu., Dip.T., President, IHTEC
1/1000 PeaceWomen Nobel Peace Prize nominations 2005, 2006, 2007
International Holistic Tourism Education Centre - IHTEC,
3343 Masthead Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. L5L 1G9
IHTEC Website
ISPG Blog:
IHTEC is an Educational Charity, focused developing curriculum content for schools in Sustainability and Peace Education (GSE) and the 'International School Peace Gardens' is focused on conflict resolution.
IHTEC has Official Status with United Nations (UN) ECOSOC Status
ITHEC Supports the: -
ITHEC is attending Rio+20
Julia's Bio is here under Board.
She is: -
Vice-President, Education at the Council on Global Issues (CGI),
CGI is part of the 'Science for Peace/Canadian Pugwash, Global Issues Project'
Board member Science for Peace (SfP),
- Coordinator: Global Issues Project, Curriculum Implementation, Climate Change & Energy Round Table (CCERT)
- Committee: Global Issues Project: Curriculum Implementation, Expert Round Table on Water
- Committee: Global Issues Project: Curriculum Implementation, Food & Population Round Table
Canadian Coordinator for the 'PeaceWomen Across the Globe Partnership Project'
Technical Advisor for Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
Member of International Peace Bureau
Phi Delta Kappa International Advisor for Hawaii and
ex-officio for Phi Delta Kappa for University of Toronto

"A world government can establish global justice based on the principle of contraction and convergence; it was developed during the Kyoto negotiations on fair global use of fossil fuels. This principle is a good guide to full spectrum global justice, if applied to all factors that cause damage to the ecosystem. We need contraction and conversion of consumption rates, and contraction and convergence of birth rates, contraction of inappropriate technology and convergence to appropriate technology world wide.
It is the world government's responsibility to steer the process of change in the global commons through legislation and regulations. By imposing fines on illegal environmental actions, taxes on undesirable processes and by giving financial incentives to desirable processes of change governments contribute to the protection of the global commons.
All factors that contribute to humankind's ecological footprint need to be managed. Population management is a politically sensitive issue, as procreation next to life itself, is seen instinctively and legally as a fundamental human right. Any interference by government is seen as an injustice. However, given the present state of the world, it has become a necessity. In fairness to all, contraction and convergence of birth rates for all nations to a globally sustainable level is the solution recommended for the population question.
The rate of consumption of resources and services is a major factor in human impact on the environment. A regulation of consumption has become a necessity. Again contraction and convergence in the resource and services consumption is recommended as a solution, which is fair to all."
Council on Global Issues.