Dear Aubrey
I am happy to support GCIs C&C proposal to UNFCCC.
Best wishes
Martin Caton MP

Considering that an incipient form of C&C became the UK Climate Act in 2008, the actions of this group of MPs from the All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group proved to be politically savvy, exceptionally effective and also very generous to me personally.
For all this I remain deeply appreciative and grateful.
Nomination [but not winner] of Aubrey Meyer for the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize
by Martin Caton and six other Members of Parliament from the UK House of Commons
Martin’s fellow nominators were: -
- Colin Challen MP (Labour),
- Peter Ainsworth MP (Conservative),
- Chris Huhne MP (Liberal Democrat),
- Michael Meacher MP (Labour),
- Joan Walley MP (Labour) and
- Tim Yeo MP (Conservative).

Martin explained: -
“Aubrey Meyer may not yet be a household name, here in Britain, or indeed, in many other parts of the world. Yet his work is absolutely central to the global fight against climate change.“
The Nobel Institute recognised how important the climate change challenge is to the future of our planet last year, when it awarded the prize jointly to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for raising awareness about this environmental threat.
“We believe that it would, now, be right to recognise the man who has done most to provide an international solution to averting the disaster of global warming.“
Aubrey Meyer realised that we need a comprehensive climate change framework if we are to protect our planet. He founded the Global Commons Initiative in 1990 that developed just such a framework known as ‘contraction and convergence’.
“This is the logical way forward. The human race reduces its carbon footprint towards zero at the same time as greenhouse gas emissions on a per capita basis in developed and developing nations converge. If his initiative was recognised now then it would send exactly the right message to world leaders as we consider what comes after the end of the Kyoto round in 2012.”