Dear Aubrey
Yes, of course [!] I’m more than happy to be a co-signatory.

Dr. Mayer Hillman
Senior Fellow Emeritus
Policy Studies Institute
c/o The Coach House
7a Netherhall Gardens
London NW3 5RN

“A brilliant, imaginative and simple means of reaching such an agreement on emission reductions has been put forward. Known as Contraction and Convergence (C&C), it was first proposed by the Global Commons Institute (GCI) in the early 1990s. Recognition of its unique qualities as a framework for combating climate change has grown at an astonishing rate since that date. It is thought by an increasingly influential number of national and international institutions to be the most promising basis for global negotiations.”
How We Can Save the Planet
Mayer Hillman on C&C

Nomination of Aubrey Meyer for ZAYED PRIZE by Mayer Hillman

Time for Contraction and Convergence
Town and Country Planning - October 1998
Edited By Mayer Hillman

This letter was sent today by Dr Mayer Hillman of PSI. It expresses grave concern about the confused attitude of British civil servants as they prepare for climate change negotiations at COP-17. The letter was sent to Dr William Rees, Terry O'Connell and Mike Hutchinson. It was also copied to an extensive list of other eminent persons.
Not Climate Denial but C&C Denial.
Is it now C&C-Deniers who should face charges of crimes against humanity?

International Health Policies
Headlines in Global Health Policies Reactions from Global South Experts
This week BMJ casts a spotlight on climate change. The journal provides a nice collection of articles with the latest news, state of the art research and viewpoints on the enormous political challenge. Some articles explore how a low carbon economy can boost people’s health, whether contraction and convergence is the way forward, etc. Suffice it to say: recommended reading.
You can tell people are getting downright desperate, if ideas are being floated like Tom Burke’s: “My own very strong feeling is that what it’s really going to take politically to solve this problem is an insurgency of those under 40 against those over 40.“ If only it were that simple. This is anything but a generation issue (full disclosure: I turn forty in October). Last time I checked, greed was still in all of us, young and old. Adjusting incentive structures of decision makers and CEOs seems inevitable and part of the solution. However, in this short piece I’d like to focus on the popular claim that health professionals are “uniquely placed to guide the climate change conversation towards better policies that are good for the planet and for people.” They are, indeed, and pointing out that a low carbon economy would also be great news for our health is an excellent example of this. Publications like the New Economics Foundation’s ‘The great transition’ are very much in line with this kind of thinking.
Time to stop instrumentalizing health for economic growth
2012-03-23 13:50:39 Editorial - Kristof Decoster
Now in March 2012, as we go forward to COP-18, all these concerns remain. This is not least, because in Tom Burke's recent article in the BMJ, he has taken to calling 'insurgency' by the under-40's against the over-40's. Is he suddenly calling now for 'cultural revolution'? |