Dear Aubrey,
Please do sign me up.
"In climate change policy we need to identify the least unrealistic proposals that could work.
The options that satisfy both criteria are few and contraction and convergence has strong claims on both counts. It demands serious attention from policy makers.”
Best Wishes,

Dr Nick Bardsley
Lecturer in Climate Change Economics
University of Reading
Climate Change Policy and Governance
The Ecological Economics of Climate Change
Module Convenor: Dr NICK BARDSLEY Email:
Summary module description:
The module provides an overview of climate change policies, both actual and proposed, and associated debates at both national and international levels. Participants will gain an understanding of the course of climate change negotiations and the challenges and prospects for progress in this area.
To enable students to critically appraise policies for climate change mitigation and adaptation. To foster an appreciation of the complex and holistic nature of the problems involved in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Assessable learning outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- critically evaluate alternative policy proposals for mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change
- valuate existing mitigation and adaptation measures
- provide critical insight into climate change negotiations and governance processes
Additional outcomes:
Students will develop an awareness of the different issues facing countries at different stages of development, and the differential social and economic impacts of both climate change and policy towards it. Students will utilise the following skills: Presentational skills Critical essay writing
Outline content:
Topics covered will include: targets for emissions reduction, the role of renewable energy technologies, quantity and price instruments for mitigating emissions, evaluation of existing policies and policy proposals, reducing land-based emissions, adaptation measures, historic and ongoing negotiations within the UNFCCC framework, and contraction and convergence.
Brief description of teaching and learning methods:
Sessions will consist of both lectures and seminar activities. Exposition of the course material is through the lectures. Student-centred learning is developed through seminar activities.