Dear Aubrey
Christian Ecology Link would like to endorse your proposal to UNFCCC, as per your email below.
Your work continues to be an inspiration - not least the fact that you keep going when the rest of the world would rather 'move on' from climate change. Hope all is well for you, and I send best wishes from friends at CEL.
Paul Bodenham

What can Christians do?
Resource sheet no 2 of Operation Noah, the community climate change campaign.
Scientists and governments now accept scientific evidence that the climate is changing. In the UK, rivers flood more frequently, spring comes earlier and aphids emerge in February.
Worldwide we read of droughts, rising sea levels, retreating glaciers and an increase in weather-related disasters. Eight of the ten highest average global yearly temperatures ever recorded were during the 1990s, and it is likely that it was the warmest decade in the last 1000 years.
Human use of fossil fuels is largely responsible. When we burn fossil fuels to make electricity or to power our cars and aeroplanes, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Other contributory causes to global warming are destruction of forests, energy-intensive agriculture, and more methane from increased rice production arising from population growth. But the biggest cause is the huge consumption of fossil fuels in the developed world.
What is happening to the climate?
The carbon dioxide, water vapour and methane in the atmosphere act as a sort of 'blanket' to keep in some of the sun's warmth. Without this 'blanket' our planet would be very cold indeed. By burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas we have released more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the planet is heating up too much.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an international group of leading climate scientists brought together by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organisation, says that most of the warming is caused by human activities. Over the past 200 years the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by about one third due to human activities, principally the burning of fossil fuels. During the last 100 years the average global temperature has increased by about 0.6 degrees Celsius.
The IPCC predict that during this century temperatures will rise between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees (the wide range is due to uncertainty about the future level of carbon dioxide emissions). This may not seem very much but the difference between an ice age and the warm periods between is only 5 or 6 degrees. So we are risking a change equivalent to a whole ice age over the course of only a century, with potentially catastrophic consequences.
Further predictions
Because of thermal expansion and increased melting of glaciers sea level will rise by about half a metre which will be disastrous for huge numbers of people living in low lying coastal areas, many of whom are amongst the poorest people on earth.
There will be more floods and also more droughts leading to deaths and severe economic consequences - again especially affecting the most vulnerable.
The regional distribution of available food will alter markedly. The shortfall in food production could lead to millions of 'environmental refugees', largely in the developing world.
Not only species but whole ecosystems may disappear. One climate model predicts that the Amazon rainforest may dry up releasing huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere and triggering even greater global warming. Never has there been a more urgent moment to invoke the 'precautionary principle.'
Contraction and Convergence
The governments which committed themselves to the Kyoto Agreement promised to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases by an average of 5% by the year 2010 compared with 1990 levels. However, the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution says a global reduction of at least 60% is needed. When developing nations improve their material standard of living they inevitably increase their emissions. So we in the developed world will have to contract our use of energy and achieve cuts of 80% to 90% and converge with developing people to create a more equitable world. International discussion must now focus on a post-Kyoto climate change agreement.
What about the nuclear option?
Huge investments in renewables, and energy efficiency to reduce energy use, will be required if nuclear power is not to be part of the solution. The problems of nuclear waste, safety, security and by-products remain unresolved. Consequently government policy should instead favour wind, solar, geothermal and bio-mass energy sources.
Why does this matter for Christians?
In order to meet the 80-90% target we will have to adjust our lifestyles to a 'low energy' way of living (the holiday air flight as a 'right' is simply not sustainable). What is lacking is not the technology; it is the political and moral will. We need a deeper conviction amongst our leaders and the population as a whole that there must be a radical change in the way we use energy.
The Bible does not address global climate change directly. But it does suggest that if we love and serve God and respect his creation he will bless us with 'the early and late rains' so that harvest will be good, while if we turn aside and worship other gods (like cars and status) the land will 'yield not her fruit' (Deut. 11.13-17).
The Psalms, too, echo this message of respect and care for God's creation (e.g. Psalms 65, 95, 104, 148). The climate is God's gift to us and the whole earth community. To put this wonderfully diverse planet at risk by dramatically altering something as fundamental as our global climate is blasphemous.
Through his incarnation and his resurrection Jesus has transformed our relationship with the earth, which is to be treated with great reverence. We Christians are called to love all neighbours, to be healers and servants.
What have the churches said?
'This task requires a response from each one of us. Through our own life styles we can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Through our witness we can encourage governments to advance on the road towards responsible reduction targets.' (The World Council of Churches Climate Change Programme)
'Let not the Government of this country simply express vague and polite interest in Contraction and Convergence; let them make every possible effort to bring it about for the salvation of the planet.' (Rt Rev John Oliver, Bishop of Hereford)
What can we all do as individuals?
- Pray daily for the necessary 'conversion' in ourselves,
- Pray daily for our neighbours & our leaders to do all in our power to combat global warming.
- Buy 'green energy' from renewable sources.
- Cut out unnecessary use of cars and inessential air travel.
- Buy food grown or produced locally in order to reduce the distance that food is transported.
- Cut down energy use at home:-
- Fit energy-saving lightbulbs; turn off lights.
- Turn down the central heating thermostat by 1 degree C, & set the hot water cylinder thermostat at 60 degrees C.
- Insulate hot water tanks and pipes.
- Shower rather than bathe.
- Close curtains at dusk to stop heat escaping through windows.
- Switch off TV and video rather than leaving them on stand-by.
- Use full loads in washing machines.
- Choose the right size pan for cooking food, keep lids on; don't overfill kettles.
- Cut down on draughts but keep enough ventilation. Wear an extra jumper!
- Small individual actions can add up to a huge impact!
- What can Christians do as a community?
Operation Noah is CEL's programme that empowers individuals and churches to act on climate change. Get your church on board the 'Ark'. See the leaflet "Build your own ark "
Ask your MP to press the government to deal more seriously with the issue and set a personal example by using sustainable transport.
Encourage your local church to join the EcoCongregation scheme which helps communities to tackle issues such as climate change. EcoCongregation, ENCAMS, Elizabeth House, The Pier, Wigan WN3 4EX.
Get your local church to include regular prayers on this issue. See CEL's monthly Prayer Guide.