Dear Aubrey,
Yes, I am supporting the present GCI's C&C Proposal to the UNFCCC.
With best wishes
Sigurd Bergmann

Professor Sigurd Bergmann
Department of Archaeology and Religion (IAR) has the following two groups:
Group for Archaeology
Unit for Religion
Norwegian University of Science

Another concept for a common contract on CO2 justice is currently being debated under the title Contraction and Convergence (C&C) (Ott, 2010). This combines a contract that fixes an upper limit for global CO. Emissions (contraction) with a gradual introduction of a distribution of emission rights according to egalitarian principles (convergence). The basis for the fixing of a global upper limit is a consensus within society about the level of justifiable ecological risk. The grandfathering principle eases the transition for countries with a high level of emissions. It call be justified ethically as property protection and pragmatism.
Religion in Environmental and Climate Change: Suffering, Values, Lifestyles |
Dieter Gerten, Sigurd Bergman

In 48 points or “better steps”, German philosopher and envrionmental ethicist Konrad Ott continues "Kronolid’s struggle with the ethical implications of climate change by elaborating basic foundations on existing and necessary policies for climate change. The short sections are consistently formulated as “ethical claims” and the reader should approach these slowly and with concentration, so that the subsequent steps are converted into one single walk and path. At the core of the author’s argument lies the climate-ethics concept of “Contraction and Convergence”. This argument provokes a constructive debate, and it presumes to to support a concept that has been regarded as “Utopian a decade ago but has now entered the political stage. What might it contribute to international climate policy in a nondistant future?
Religion and Dangerous Environmental Change
Sigurd Bergmann Dieter Gerten [Eds]

"Nature, Space and the Sacred
"The only fair course is for the rich countries to reduce their luxury emissions and to substitute renewable energy for fossil fuels, while developing countries should be permitted to raise their below average emissions to emissions of 3 tonnes per person by mid-century. This is an apoproach known as ‘Contraction and Convergence’ which was first advanced by Aubrey Meyer at the Global Commons Institute."
Nature, Space and the Sacred
P. M. Scott, M. Jansdotter Samuelsson, H. Bedford-Strohm, S. Bergmann