

This is a Sun-Centered view of the Earth:Venus:Sun cycle, where 8 Earth-Years equal 13 Venus-Years with 5 Venus:Earth 'kisses' [apogee-moments] during that time. The music is the first movement of the Trio for Viola, Clarinet and Piano [written by Aubrey Meyer and performed by Rusen Gunes, Bob Hill and Amanda [?] at the 'Purcell Room' on London's 'South Bank' July 1985]. This elegiac first movement precedes the second movement, which is a 'Tango' and the final movement, 'Das Lied van de Merwe', where the two national anthems of South Africa are in a conflict . . . . [that eventually was only just avoided in real life] . . . .

Earth and Venus really do 'Dance the Tango' round the Sun - in this 'Sun-Centered animation' - looking [and who knows 'sounding'] like this . . . . the second movement of the trio, between the Ist Movement [Elegy] and the last movement [Das Lied Van de Merwe].

One of these 'cycles' is 8 Earth-Years with 13 Venus-Years and 5 Venus:Earth 'kisses' . . . .  i.e. the 'tango' is 3 + [3+2] pulses so 3+5=8 equals one 'measure' [bar] of the music, in the 'tango-meter'. Venus 'kisses' [at the apogee] Earth five times each 8-Earth-Year cycle . . . i.e tango meter is there and crucially, in 'real time' this 'really happens'].

Humanity has 5 of these cycles left to complete C&C @ 350 GTC with any chance of getting back to 350 ppmv after 2100: - http://www.gci.org.uk/Documents/350_.pdf

". . . it takes two to tango . . . "
Pythagorean Earth:Venus Orbits of Sun

350 ppmv takes 350 GTC [maybe]


This is a Venus-Centered view of the Earth:Venus:Sun cycle where 8 Earth-Years equal 13 Venus-Years with 5 Venus:Earth 'kisses' [apogee-moments] during that time. The music is the last movement of the Trio for Viola, Clarinet and Piano [written by Aubrey Meyer; performed by Rusen Gunes, Bob Hill, Amanda Hurton at the 'Purcell Room' on London's 'South Bank' July 1985. The music embraces the two national anthems of South Africa in a conflict . . . . [that eventually was only just avoided] . . . .


"Uskudar Giderken" [What happened on the Road to Uskudar] a folk-tune beloved of Muslims and Jews, arranged to save the world. In this 'Earth-Centered' view, Rusen Gunes [Viola], Bob Hill [Clarinet], Mark Jackson [Cello] play an arrangement by Aubrey Meyer at Turkish Embassy in London.

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