Dear Aubrey,
I’m writing in support of your concept of Contraction and Convergence to address global climate change.
Tim Wendler

Tim was born on June 10, 1967 in Whittier, California to Ronald and Lynn Thibodeau. Tim's father had enlisted in the Navy and served as a radarman on the U.S.S Frank E. Evans during the Vietnam War. On June 3, 1969, tragedy struck as the Evans was cut in half in a collision with an Australian ship, the H.M.A.S. Melbourne, in the South China Sea. The bow section sank and Tim's father was lost at sea. Tim's mother later remarried and Tim was adopted by Bill Wendler. Tim's sisters are Jennifer and Jill Wendler.Tim attended Harvey Mudd College in Claremont and received a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in May 1989. At Harvey Mudd, Tim served on the student council for two years and was a dormitory President. Tim went to work for a minority-owned environmental engineering small business in the San Gabriel Valley. He worked on hazardous waste investigations and cleanups, water reclamation design, and construction projects. In December 1993, Tim completed his Masters in Civil/Environmental Engineering at Loyola Marymount University while working full-time. On April 9, 1994, Tim proposed to Joanne Young at the Pasadena Playhouse courtyard fountain during the intermission of "The Fourth Wall." Joanne and Tim had met ten years earlier in their senior year of high school, but had lost track of one another for seven years. Joanne attended UCLA, and received a Bachelors in Psychology in 1990. They married on February 25th, 1995 at the Altadena Town and Country Club. Tim and Joanne wanted to start their new life together in a place of diversity with a strong sense of community. Pasadena is that place. In the 1940s, Tim's grandparents settled in Northwest Pasadena after their own marriage. Over fifty years later, Tim and Joanne found a charming 1909 Craftsman home in Northwest Pasadena where they now live happily with their cats, Mars Pathfinder and Athena. Joanne works for IndyMac Bank as their stock plan administrator and Tim manages environmental projects at Parsons Engineering Science. In 1996, Tim became President of Washington Square Neighborhood Association and now serves as Vice Chair of the Pasadena Code Enforcement Commission, representing District 5. Tim and Joanne enjoy being able to live and work within their favorite city - Pasadena, California.
Tim was recently recently elected President of the Arroyos Foothills Conservancy.