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The Hon. Tom Roper currently lives in Melbourne after eleven years overseas – Ottawa, London, New York - and has been involved in environmental policy at all levels – local to international.
Since his retirement, after 21 years in the Victorian Parliament (Australia), he has been an active Board Member of the Washington DC based Climate Institute, Global Urban Development and Greenfleet (Australia), an advisor to government, business and NGO’s on sustainability issues and an Honorary Life Member of the Metropolis Association. He provides briefings on climate change developments and green building issues for the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment and the Building Commission.
He is the Project Director of the Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative which provides assistance to Small Island States seeking to introduce renewable energy and energy efficiency measures.
During his ten years as a senior Government Minister his portfolios included Treasury, Planning and Environment, Health, Transport, Aboriginal Affairs, and Employment and Higher Education. He was the Leader of Government Business in the Legislative Assembly.
He has recently been appointed a Senior Fellow of Melbourne University’s Australian Centre for Science, Innovation and Society and is the Chair of the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council.