
29 April 2014 - Hansen's 'climate-model' obviously ignores positive feedback potential [most peculiar for him of all people].
29 April 2014 - "C&C global solution to climate change." Handbook Global Climate/Environmental Policy, Falkner Wiley Blackwell
29 April 2014 - "C&C, a reinvigorated conception of environmental justice at UNFCCC." Alam et al Routledge
29 April 2014 - "Equity and Limits suggest a key role for C&C." Globalisation, Economic Transition & Environment Philip Lawn
28 April 2014 - "C&C is the first step." Molly Scott Cato in the Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization
28 April 2014 - "The only fair course is Contraction and Convergence." Nature, Space & the Sacred: by Sigurd Bergmann
28 April 2014 - "Ethics, Human Rights, Justice C&C captures this vision." Creating Climate for Change Moser Dilling
28 April 2014 - "Poorer regions do better under C&C." Global Problems Smart Solutions Bjorn Lomborg
28 April 2014 - Still picking numbers out of a hat at the climate negotiations. 'Experts' should do better.
26 April 2014 - 5 Questions regarding the 'PLOS' paper by Dr James Hansen
25 April 2014 - "Jupiter finale; spills into the world like an African antelope that falls from the womb, wet but already running."
24 April 2014 - "Climate negotiations foundered on burden-sharing, GCI introduced C&C." Any Way You Slice It, Stan Cox
24 April 2014 - "A happy medium that is globally viable: contraction & convergence." Eco-Villages Karen T Litfin
24 April 2014 - The rate at which renewables need to deploy [Contraction & Conversion] is much faster than has been realized.
23 April 2014 - 'A New World is Being Birthed'. Day of the Earth, from the well-focused web-site at Pasadena Greensward Civitas.
21 April 2014 - HANSEN PLOS Budgets now in CBAT: - Peak 2020 reduce @ 6%; Peak 2020 reduce @ 2%; Peak 2030 reduce @ 6%.
20 April 2014 - Analysis shows Contraction:Concentration Budget Path-Integrals [HANSEN 'PLOS'] are clearly inaccurate.
19 April 2014 - "C&C - scientifically literate, normative." Reforming Law & Economy for a Sustainable Earth Anderson Routledge
16 April 2014 - JAMES HANSEN & the "Young People's Day in Court"
11 April 2014 - "C&C - a way of resolving the political and moral problem." Future Risk; Chartered Institute of Insurers
11 April 2014 - Various Emissions Scenarios analysed in CBAT
11 April 2014 - IPCC AR5 RCP Scenarios now in CBAT
08 April 2014 - "Climate protection scenarios assume C&C." Desert Power 2050 Klepper et al Kiel University
08 April 2014 - "C&C is the over-arching requirement of global justice." Tim Hayward Just World Institute University of Edinburgh
08 April 2014 - "The genocidal campaign of Climate Change Contrarians" Dr Robert Nadeau, George Mason University
03 April 2014 - "Convergence of per capita emissions the only basis." Rachel Ward Salzman, Yale Human Rights & Development
03 April 2014 - "We apply C&C as an initial reference." Uncertainty in an emissions-constrained world. Jonas et al Springer
03 April 2014 - A beautiful story of music in Kinshasa, told & shown in the Guardian by Aisha Gani & Andrew McConnell
02 April 2014 - "Day of Reckoning." Laurie Barlow, Greensward Civitas, Pasadena California, responds to IPCC AR5 WG2
02 April 2014 - "C&C - an important principle; ethical, logical, practical." Evolution's Edge, Graeme Taylor


UNFCCC C&C Submission - Support for Submission