
30 November 2012 - "Climate Change: you can't ignore it - but I am a 'climate-ignorer'." Karpf in Guardian et al
29 November 2012 - "We are running out of oil too slowly for it not to be a climate problem."
28 November 2012 - Film showing tonight - City of London; the secret centre of global tax-havens . . . ?
28 November 2012 - UK Climate Act Emissions/Concentrations & some terrifying maths . . .
28 November 2012 - UNEP Report on Melting Permafrost & feedback of another 1.7 Trillion Tonnes carbon . . . ?
27 November 2012 - "Very happy to add my name to C&C Proposal." Prue Taylor Dep Dir NZ Centre for Env Law
26 November 2012 - "Happy to support C&C Proposal to UNFCCC." Profs Hanlon & Carlisle, Glasgow University
25 November 2012 - "C&C can operationalize equity at the UNFCCC." 'Climate Change Ethics' Don Brown
24 November 2012 - Questions Governments should be asked about their positions on Equity at COP 18 Qatar
20 November 2012 - "This reasoning points strongly to C&C." Ludus Vitalis Robin Attfield
20 November 2012 - "C&C eliminates most regressivity." Hyungsup Lee, Australia National University 26/11/12
17 November 2012 - "C&C - a vastly popular proposal among policy-makers." Emanuelle Campiglio, Grantham LSE
15 November 2012 - Greenpeace Film showing Tory plot to shaft Climate-Act and, "Duff up Ed Davey."
15 November 2012 - Tapestries of Light - Art & Music tonight at Conference Centre St Pancras Hospital
14 November 2012 - "Health Benefits of an effective Contraction and Convergence Policy." Dr Ricardo Uauy Chile
13 November 2012 - C&C - King's Fund Summit Research and Development Sustainable Health & Social Care
13 November 2012 - C&C "We cannot miseducate children into future collapse from which there's no hope."
11 November 2012 - C&C; "An outstanding and essential contribution to the debate." Professor Ross Garnaut
06 November 2012 - C&C "We're are a clever but quarrelsome species; can we agree a way forward?" Ian McKewan
04 November 2012 - IPCC Nobel Prize sharer Andrew Dlugolecki, "I fully support the logic of C&C proposal."
04 November 2012 - Blair Government moved to frustrate pro-C&C-vote promoted by Lib Dems in Hoc 2005
02 November 2012 - NBC's Todd on 'Sandy', "Its climate change." "Hard cap for all countries needed." 'Christie'.
02 November 2012 - "The context of fairness; C&C massive & immediate needed, not 100,000 years n-waste."
02 November 2012 - After Hurricane Sandy, NY Mayor Bloomberg endorses Obama - Reaping the Whirlwind?
01 November 2012 - Hurricane Sandy & Phi "A Perfect Fit." Thanks Laurie Barlow for this amazing image.
01 November 2012 - "Hurricane Sandy & linking aeon concepts with C&C et al." PERMAVEGAN



UNFCCC C&C Submission - Support for Submission